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Award-winning year for vodka and brandy made by Stumbras

Products made by Stumbras won top awards at this year’s prestigious international competitions.
Lithuanian Vodka Gold took the most, winning five medals in all: two double golds, two golds and one bronze. Ozone Vodka was also awarded a double gold medal. Stumbras Vodka Centenary got excellent reviews in Poland, where it won two awards. Stumbras Vodka Pure and Stumbras Vodka Quince both won silver medals.
Gloria Brandy was also well-received internationally, winning two silver medals.

Lithuanian Vodka Gold
2017 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Double Gold
The fifty best. Best Premium Imported Vodka 2017 – Double Gold
Los Angeles International Spirits Competition 2017 – Gold
International DLG Quality Competition for Spirits 2017 – Gold
International Spirits Challenge 2017 – Bronze

Ozone Vodka
The fifty best. Best Premium Imported Vodka 2017 – Double Gold

Stumbras Vodka Pure
International DLG Quality Competition for Spirits 2017 – Silver

Stumbras Vodka Quince
International DLG Quality Competition for Spirits 2017 –Silver

Stumbras Vodka Centenary
Golden Paragon 2017 – Main prize
FMCG 2017 – Hit of Pure Vodka category

Gloria XO
Los Angeles International Spirits Competition 2017 – Silver

Gloria Elegance Le Citron
Los Angeles International Spirits Competition 2017 – Silver

Award Winning Spirits